NGSSOL S. A. de C. V. with address at Carretera El Salto # 1208, Col. La Ermita, C.P. 45693, El Salto, Jalisco, is responsible for the use and protection of your personal data, and in this regard we inform you the following:
The personal data that we collect from you, we will be used for the following purposes that are necessary for the service you requested:

  • To facilitate the business operation.
  • For the correct business planning.
  • Generate purchase - sale histories, in order to correctly provide the service for which the customer is making a payment.
  • Actions of internal nature (in order to improve the quality of the product and the service).

Additionally, your personal information will be used for the following purposes that are not necessary for the requested service, but that allow us to facilitate a better service:

  • Research and development of businesses and / or products, for innovation and / or public purposes.
  • Management of events and exhibitions, for public purposes, where our customers will be invited.
  • Generation of databases.

In case you do not want your personal data to be processed for these additional purposes, from this moment you can inform us. Please notify us on any matter related to the processing of your personal data at and we will give response to your request or complaint in a period no longer than 5 business days. The refusal to use your personal data for these purposes may not be a reason for us to deny the services and products you request or contract with us. To carry out the purposes described in this notice of privacy, we will use the following personal information:

  • Identification data.
  • Contact information
  • Labor data

NGSSOLS S.A. of C.V. does not collect personal data considered as sensitive, the purposes described in this notice of privacy. We inform you that your personal data is shared inside and outside the country with people, companies, organizations and authorities other than us, for the following purposes:

  • To companies that work on our behalf, for Software Platforms as a Service for our websites inside or outside the Mexican Republic.
  • To companies that provide services in certain areas, such as our professional advisors, inside or outside the Mexican Republic.
  • To the competent authorities, if required by the same, inside or outside the Mexican Republic.

You have the right to know what personal data we have about you, what we use it for and the conditions of use we give it (Access). It is also your right to request the correction of your personal information if it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete (Rectification); and that we remove it from our records or databases when you consider that it is not being used in accordance with the principles, duties and obligations set forth in the regulations (Cancellation); as well as oppose the use of your personal data for specific purposes (Opposition). These rights are known as ARCO rights.

To exercise any of the ARCO rights, you must submit the respective request to the processing of your personal data, please notify the email

To know the procedure and requirements for the exercise of ARCO rights, you can access our website, the privacy notice section, or contact our Communication Department via, who will process applications for the exercise of these rights, and will answer any questions you may have regarding the processing of your information. The contact details of the Privacy Department are the following: Carretera El Salto # 1208, Col. La Ermita, C.P. 45693, El Salto, Jalisco

You can revoke the consent that, in your case, you have granted us for the treatment of your personal data. However, it is important that you keep in mind that in all cases we cannot meet your request or terminate the use immediately, since it is possible that due to some legal obligation we need to continue treating your personal data. Also, you must consider that for certain purposes, the revocation of your consent will imply that we cannot continue to provide the service you requested, or the conclusion of your relationship with us. To revoke your consent, you must submit your application to our Communication Department, by emailing To know the procedure and requirements for the revocation of consent, you can access our website to the privacy notice section, or contact our Communication Department by email at In order for you to limit the use and disclosure of your personal information, we offer you the following means:
  • Its registration in the Public Registry to Avoid Publicity, which is in charge of the Federal Attorney's Office, with the purpose that your personal data is not used to receive advertising or promotions of companies of goods or services. For more information about this registry, you can consult the PROFECO Internet portal, or contact them directly.
  • Your registration in our exclusion list, so that your personal data is not processed for marketing, advertising or commercial prospecting purposes on our part. For more information you can consult our website, or contact our Communication Department, by email
We inform you that on our website we use cookies, web beacons and other technologies through which it is possible to monitor your behavior as an Internet user, as well as provide you with a better service and user experience when browsing our website. The personal data we obtain from these tracking technologies are the following:
  • Data that users enter on our website, such as when they provide contact details, enter forms or job applications or send CVs.
  • Information provided when users subscribe to newsletters, ask for quotes by e-mail with the name, e-mail address, the title of the service.
  • Information that users provide when posting content on social networking sites.
  • Personal information is collected about the use of our website by users, including:
  • Information captured on our website, such as device information, IP address and browser information, URL, browser type, pages visited, date / time of access and other data collected through analytics.
  • Advertising information
  • Behavioral information.
  • If a user of the website has cookies installed in their browser, all the behavior data and web registration will be associated with them.
We use this data to
  • Manage the website and provide customer services.
  • Monitor the content of social networks to manage and improve relationships with our customers and promote our company.
  • Perform statistical and trend analysis
  • Collect information for the development of advertising campaigns to promote our products and / or services.
  • Gather information about users to qualify them as possible prospects to customers.
  • Also, we inform you that we will share this data with:
    • Companies that work on our behalf for the Software Platforms as a Service for our websites inside or outside the Mexican Republic.
    • Companies that provide services in certain areas such as our professional advisors inside or outside the Mexican Republic.
    • Competent authorities, if required by the same, inside or outside the Mexican Republic.

    If you wish to disable these technologies it is necessary that you review the characteristics of the equipment where the option to eliminate the use of them will be disabled. There are certain cookies that for technical reasons, are not possible to eliminate, because they are essential for the proper functioning of the website, for this reason are excepted from this notice

    For more information on the use of these technologies, you can contact our Communication Department, by email at This privacy notice may suffer modifications, changes or updates derived from new legal requirements; of our own needs for the products or services we offer; of our privacy practices; Changes in our business model, or other causes. We are committed to keeping you informed about changes that may occur to this privacy notice, through its publication on our websites.